Thursday, December 4, 2008

Another Doily

This is the Cutie Pie Doily from Panda Crochet. This is the third doily I have ever made and so far the best one I have made yet. I made this for a dear friend of mine I really hope she likes it. She is always doing something for other people and I just wanted to make something for her.

I also made a bookmark using the shell stitch, it started out to be a sachet but really became mind numbing for me for some reason so I ripped out several rows turned it into a bookmark.

I really want to try a bigger doily now just to see if I can do it.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Just a small doily and dishcloth

I made the small doily last night. I really want to keep working with thread as well as yarn but I want to keep practicing. I want to make a bigger doily eventually.

The dishcloth is a 9" square I also made one in 8" just to see what size I liked better. I love these dishcloths the thickness of them and the size are just wonderful. Never again will I buy dishcloths!

Nothing really to update on my afghan, I am still making granny squares for it. I know I could of had the afghan done by now but I picked up thread and a hook and started to play.

I also have to finish a blanket which is not crochet, I am making for one of my nephews I started it awhile back I just need to sew on the finishing edge. Its really neat though, the blocks are all Americana type blocks and the back is navy blue. When I get that done I will post a pic of that.

I am also going to make something for my niece and my other nephew but not sure what yet, I have been thinking about crocheting them each a round ripple afghan.

I just want them to have something that I made. Probably sounds corny but I don't get to spend time with them, like I would like to. This way they will always have a part of me with them.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Shades of the past!

I got the biggest crack up today. I have been looking for this pullover forever, I go to start laundry and there it was laying on top of the dryer. My oldest had found it and washed it for me. How cool was that.

Anyway I thought I would share this. My dads Aunt Claire had made this for me when I was just a little chit. Somewhere floating around my parents house is a picture of me wearing this when I was little.

She had passed away years ago but I still have very fond memories of her. She was the greatest, wonderful sense of humor and loved to pick on us kids. I also remember she did crochet a lot but sadly I can't remember what.

I was so happy Cody found this, I had started to think it grew legs and walked off somewhere......Now to find the ripple afghan my Grandma had made me when I was a kid! I know its put up but I can't remember where I put it lol......I'm really good at that.

I have always kept everything that was made for me, to me that is the best gift anyone could receive. Till next time! =)

Friday, November 14, 2008

What I Am Thankful For

Recently I received one of those emails that are similar to the Myspace surveys and questions games asking me what I was thankful for, that friends and family send. Although I didn't respond to it or forward it on to my friends and family I am just going to put it here.

I am most thankful for my wonderful husband and our two boys I can't imagine anything without them, they are my everything. I am thankful for our families through all the years their love and support has gotten us through some very difficult times. I am also very thankful for our dearest friends they have also been through some real fun times with us, its never been a dull moment here.

I am also thankful for humor, if I wasn't able to laugh I would definitely cry.

Although I posted this a little early I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.
God Bless!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My newest wip and update on afghan

Ok so I learned a new nickname wip= work in progress......I love that I learn something new everyday lol........

Anyway I started my very first shawl here is what it looks like so far, I ran out of yarn oh the horror...... I found my first pet peeve about crocheting I absolutely despise running out of yarn! Don't mind the crinkle lol I forgot to smooth it out before I took the picture my bad.......I really wish I could remember where I found the pattern for this I would post a link to it as it was sooooo easy and a very fast working pattern. Great for a noob like me!

Yay I have an update go me! This shawl is called bottom up granny shawl and I found the pattern here I am so glad I found it again. It truly is an easy pattern to follow.

My update to my nine patch I have a whopping 8 more rows to go I am so thrilled how its coming along. I cant wait till its done but will a post a finished afghan pic. I can now officially make the basic grannies without looking, which really comes in handy when CSI Miami is on tv yup I am a sucker for the red head lol......

I'm going to close this out with a link that literally has over 1,000 crochet projects be sure to check them out I can guarantee your eyes will never be the same.......


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Side Tracked!

I keep getting side tracked while working on my nine patch. Wonder if this is normal.......I have recently made clothesline clothes from Vanna's book once I get the final touches done I will post a pic. Then last night I made a rug for my bathroom to set in front of my washer and dryer as well as trying to learn new blocks. I also made my very first kitchen towel topper, it turned out ok I seriously need to practice this one.

I have decided to try thread crochet again, but no guarantees because it just hurts my hands, living with oa really does n't help much. I would so love to do this and make doilies.

I really appreciate all the hard work that goes into these projects. I also do counted cross stitch so I know about time and pain! The results are always worth it in my opinion.

I don't know why it took me so long to look at yarn companies websites there is are a lot of great free patterns on their sites. Here is a few links that I have bookmarked.


Red Heart Yarn

Yarn Market


Lion Brand Yarn (membership required to view free patterns)

Cascade Yarns

Coats and Clark

Lily Sugar & Cream


NY Yarns

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Crocheting with plastic bags

Ok so I have been crocheting my plastic grocery bags as I get them. I don't know why, I just wanted to try it. I think I will turn what I have into a plastic bag holder. Its actually quite addictive.
There are so many things you can crochet with plastic bags.

Here are a couple of links to check out. Also do a search through google on crocheting with plastic bags it will turn up quite a bit. There are also a couple of videos on youtube as well.


Canadian Living (I love this one I wish we had that blue of plastic bags)

Thrifty Fun (one of the many ways to make a rug out of plastic bags)

nine patch granny afghan update

So far I have four rows assembled, I did have a little mishap with the first nine patch square which I was able to go back and fix. The first picture shows the fixed square and my lovely mailbox shadow, and the second shows the mishap I had. I take my pictures outside as the flash has stopped working with our camera, but the porch is new we are also in the middle of remodel chaos.

Once again if you would like the pattern I got it at All Free Crafts. Click Here For Link.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My very first 8" blocks

Not bad first time out, I seam to struggle a bit with tension though. I had a heck of a time reading and understanding some of the patterns, almost to the point I had to start over a few dozens of time. I am going to keep working with this though, I just love squares!

Here are a couple of links to some great crochet patterns!

Crochet Pattern Central

Bevs Country Cottage

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Crochet what NOT to do

Well so far in the last couple of days it seems I am very prone to brain farts to say the least! The worst being totally forgetting how to single crochet specially after working with doubles and triples.......I can just hear the Homer Simpson doh on that one...

I really wanted to make this really pretty square, well my square had turned into a hexagon not quite sure how that had happened so after a dozens times of taking it apart I gave up for now.

There were a few squares I had attempted to make, I'm not sure I am reading the instructions right (really good possibility) or if they were just too confusing to start with.

Then I wanted to learn how to make a flower ya, after I got the yarn off my finger that I had managed to crochet on that was put down as well.........But.......

I have made a couple of 8" in squares and they looked pretty good specially for one of them being first time out I was thrilled.......I also made a dishcloth ok so there was no set pattern for the dishcloth because I wanted to learn the box stitch so I just kept going with it, I just didn't know how to end it so it has a box edge but its functional, and I learned a new to me stitch!

I have also finally picked out my fourth color for the nine patch granny I am making, I went with light sage green and have already made a few squares, I have also started to assemble the first row, I think I am just going to sew as I go so it won't seem so daunting to me.

I am still having fun with it, and I think its helping me with my hands, the cold air struck today and they really haven't bothered me too much.......

Till next time

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ok , cats and crochet a really entertaining mix

So I am sitting on the couch watching csi and crocheting (still working on my granny squares) Midnight the darker cat decides she is going to help.

Just would not leave my yarn alone, it was so funny watching her pounce all over it then she took off with the yarn across the couch, and then we wound up in a tug of war battle, all the while hubby is laughing so hard he can't see straight.

I have made her so many crocheted doo dads, and she does play with them but she just has to be in the middle of it all. I always thought she was my more mature cat mostly because she just has her little attitude going where when she wants to be petted she will let you know and pretty much just lays around who knew she would be my biggest kid!

The other furbaby is Jasmine we lost him a couple of weeks ago.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I joined a couple of online communities

I joined Ravelry pretty neat site still trying to navigate my way around this one. Here's my page
my Ravelry page

I also just joined crochetville forums lots of talented people there so check them out Crochetville

I am having way too much fun here I think, I have spent quite a bit of time looking at patterns and things I would like to try to make. Till next time!

Nine patch granny afghan

Here are the squares I have so far. I still have along way to go not mention I need a fourth color. I have decided to go with some form of green. Mom and I had found some pretty greens that we thought would look good with the colors I am using.

Here is where I found the pattern for the afghan.
All free crafts nine patch afghan

This has been a great project for me though our youngest son Jacob has broken his right arm and has already been through two surgeries. I took my yarn and needle with me to the hospital, I needed something to do during the wait with my hands. Its rough on a mom when there are just some things you cant make better.

My rag rug

This will probably be the first thing I have ever made that I have actually kept. I am going to put this in our bathroom once its done with the remodeling. I am waiting to finish this till I find just the right color of fabric so I am at a standstill for now.

I got the idea from this pattern on
rag rug from

I will make another later on down the road for my kitchen that will be a time consuming project.

Its not perfect by any means but its mine lol!

My Little Introduction!

I am teaching myself how to crochet and boy has it been an experience so far. I have managed to make a few mistakes along the way, so much so they are just too embarrassing to lay claim to. Its alright though I am getting at better this, I am currently into two projects I am crocheting a fabric rug which is still on hold because I can't find just the right color I want for it yes I am that picky, and I am making a nine patch granny afghan. I have quite a few squares done but I have quite a bit more to go. I am also going to make a couple of towel toppers as soon as I can find something to poke my holes with I am going for it! I found the nicest fall hand towel at wal~mart so I am anxious to get that started well that and to see if I can do it lol.

I have a gut feeling that I will also soon be starting dishcloths and pot holders just cant have enough of those!

I will be posting pics and more soon to show my progress along the way. I will also post links to some of my favorite pattern places.
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