Sunday, January 5, 2014

For a dear friend

Just a few things I have made for a dear friend


I don't know why I struggle with making these but here are my two latest. I noticed I do have some trouble with the hook slipping off the thread while I crochet. Knowing me I am probably using the wrong size hook!

Now that Christmas is over.....

First Happy New Years. I have made a resolution to make no resolutions lol. I just can't seem to keep them so I give up! Hope everyone had a safe New Years us old folks stayed home! Here are a few pics of things I made for Christmas for the family! For my lil Sister Bear I made her a tweety bird earflap hat (kinda of an inside joke type thing) as for a pattern sorry I don't have one, I had to free hand the face as I couldn't really find any patterns I liked.
For our Grandson Owen I made him a puppy hat, I used Repeat After Me's pattern
For the lovely Miss Jordy I made her a scrap hat, this turned out so cute! This pattern can be found here
Of Course Christmas wasn't Christmas without some Christmas towels!
For my parents I made them a puff stitch granny afghan, not sure why it curved the way it did, but they loved it just the same....
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