Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just Thrilled

Today (Wed) our youngest son Jacob had his final Dr.s appointment for his arm. He broke it literally in two and one bone was laying on top of the other and had to have two surgeries back in October. One heck of a football game with friends but he got the touchdown at least. I seriously doubt he will ever play football again the way they played. Who knows why kids do the things they do, they had made the goal lines the sidewalks at the school and he was tackled on the sidewalk. I do not ever want to go through that again. I am however amazed at his strength through it all he was stronger then his old mom here.

Just the same its over its finally over, no more weekly doctor visits, no more x-rays, no more cast I think he had at least five different cast through all of this. No more long waits and missed school well until he catches a cold or something.

Was so funny we got out to the waiting room and there was no one in there he threw up his arms and said "I'm Free!" and then proceeded to do a little happy dance, he's my comedian or so he thinks. Granted that was the highlight of his last Dr. appointment but I also got a kick out of the Dr.s reaction, he had just released him to being able to do gym activities only to find out that they are doing a rollerblading unit in gym, he was really thrilled to say the least.

I'm just so glad its over.

Crocheting so far I have four afghans I am working on, hoping to finish one soon and another getting closer to the end. I think I get tired of looking at the same stuff for awhile and just start new projects, although I am not going to start anymore afghans till I can get these completed I still work with thread and have made a few more dishcloths. I also have made squares so I can learn new patterns. I do find it harder and harder though to not buy yarn, I am trying to stick with buying what I need for now. I also have kinda learned how to do graphs I am just having a hard time with making the graph itself as for some reason the graph maker ads little gray squares and I don't know if I need those or not, I tried to regraph it by hand but got really frustrated with that, it didn't go well at all. The stitching part I am fine with it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

I'm also trying to decide if I want to be adventurous and learn how to knit, a part of me wants to learn the other part wonders if I would ever be coordinated enough to figure it out. I'm not exactly graceful when it comes to things like this.

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